xowf::test_item::Answer_manager method participants_table (public)

 <instance of xowf::test_item::Answer_manager[i]> participants_table \
    [ -package_id package_id ] [ -items items ] \
    [ -view_all_method view_all_method ] [ -state state ] wf

Defined in packages/xowf/tcl/test-item-procs.tcl

This method returns an HTML table containing a row for every participant with Name and short summary information. This table provides as well an interface for sending messages to this student.

(defaults to "print-answers") (optional)
(defaults to "done") (optional)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_create_test_items create_test_items (test xowf) xowf::test_item::Answer_manager instproc participants_table xowf::test_item::Answer_manager instproc participants_table test_create_test_items->xowf::test_item::Answer_manager instproc participants_table _ _ (public) xowf::test_item::Answer_manager instproc participants_table->_ ad_return_url ad_return_url (public) xowf::test_item::Answer_manager instproc participants_table->ad_return_url

Source code:
set form_field_objs {}
lappend form_field_objs  [$wf create_raw_form_field  -name _online-exam-userName  -spec text,label=#xowf.participant#]  [$wf create_raw_form_field  -name _online-exam-fullName  -spec label,label=#acs-subsite.Name#,disableOutputEscaping=true]  [$wf create_raw_form_field  -name _state  -spec text,label=#xowf.Status#]  [$wf create_raw_form_field  -name _online-exam-seconds  -spec number,label=#xowf.Seconds#]  [$wf create_raw_form_field  -name _creation_date  -spec date,label=#xowiki.Page-last_modified#]

# Take "orderby" from the query parameter. If not set, order by
# the first field.
set orderby [::$package_id query_parameter orderby:token ""]
if {$orderby eq "" && [llength $form_field_objs] > 0} {
  set orderby [[lindex $form_field_objs 0] name],asc

# Create table widget.
set table_widget [::xowiki::TableWidget create_from_form_fields  -package_id $package_id  -form_field_objs $form_field_objs  -type_map {_online-exam-seconds integer}  -orderby $orderby]
# Extend properties of individual answers and add notification
# dialogs.
set dialogs ""
set user_list {}
foreach p [$items children] {

  #foreach ff_obj $answer_form_field_objs {
  #  $ff_obj object $p
  #  set property [$ff_obj name]
  #  $ff_obj value [$p property $property]

  # Provide a notification dialog only before the student has
  # submitted her exam and the exam is published.
  if {[$p state] ne "done" && [$wf state] eq "published"} {
    set dialog_info [::xowiki::includelet::personal-notification-messages  modal_message_dialog -to_user_id [$p creation_user]]
    append dialogs [dict get $dialog_info dialog] \n
    set notification_dialog_button [dict get $dialog_info link]
    $p set online-exam-fullName "$notification_dialog_button [$p set online-exam-fullName]</a>"
    lappend user_list [$p creation_user]

  # Extend every answer with corresponding precomputed extra
  # "_online-exam-*" values to ease rendering:
  set duration [:get_duration [$p get_revision_sets]]
  $p set_property -new 1 _online-exam-seconds [dict get $duration seconds]

::xowiki::includelet::personal-notification-messages  modal_message_dialog_register_submit  -url [$wf pretty_link -query m=send-participant-message]

set bulk_notification_HTML ""

if {$state eq "done"} {
  set uc {tcl {[$p state] ne "done"}}
} else {
  set uc {tcl {false}}

  if {[llength $user_list] > 0} {
    # Provide bulk notification message dialog to send message to all users
    set dialog_info [::xowiki::includelet::personal-notification-messages  modal_message_dialog -to_user_id $user_list]
    append dialogs [dict get $dialog_info dialog] \n
    set notification_dialog_button [dict get $dialog_info link]
    set bulk_notification_HTML "<div class='bulk-personal-notification-message'>$notification_dialog_button #xowiki.Send_message_to# [llength $user_list] #xowf.Participants#</a></div>"
# Render table widget with extended properties.
set HTML [$table_widget render_page_items_as_table  -package_id $package_id  -items $items  -form_field_objs $form_field_objs  -csv true  -uc $uc  -view_field _online-exam-userName  -view_filter_link [$wf pretty_link -query m=$view_all_method]  {*}[expr {[info exists generate] ? [list -generate $generate] : ""}]  -return_url [ad_return_url]  -return_url_att local_return_url  ]
$table_widget destroy
return $dialogs$HTML$bulk_notification_HTML
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